2024-2025 Division Officers

- President: Dennis O’Reilly
- Vice President: Jack McGovern
- Financial Secretary: Jeff Everett
- Recording Secretary: Bill Halpin
- Treasurer: Dave McLaughlin
- Marshal: Tim Lynch
- Sentinel: Neil Hornung
- Standing Committee: Bill Hallahan
- Chaplain: Deacon Aaron Zaccagnino
2022-2023 Division Officers
- President: Bob Fitzgerald
- Vice President: Shawn Lenahan
- Financial Secretary: Jeff Everett
- Recording Secretary: Bill Halpin
- Treasurer: Dave McLaughlin
- Marshal: Chuck Gleason
- Sentinel: Jack Kelly
- Standing Committee: Bobby Murphy
- Chaplain: Deacon Aaron Zaccagnino
2020-2021 Division Officers
Installation of Meagher Division officers by State President Jay McCarthy (center). Officer positions and names (located L – R back row)
- Treasurer: Jeff Everett
- Recording Secretary: Bill Halpin
- Vice President: Dennis O’Leary
- Financial Secretary: Edwin Hanson
- President: David McLaughlin
- Standing Committee: Ed Hennessey
- Marshall: Charles Gleason
- Sentinel: James Lenahan
- not shown is Reverend Jerry Wooten, Division Chaplain since August, 2016
2018-2019 Division Officers
- President: Shawn M Lenahan
- Vice President: Dave McLaughlin
- Financial Secretary: Bob Fitzgerald
- Recording Secretary: Bill Vanderveer
- Treasurer: Jeff Everett
- Marshal: Dennis O’Leary
- Sentinel: Jack Grey
- Standing Committee: Jake Ruppert
- Chaplain: Reverend Jerry Wooten
2017 Division Officers
- President: Shawn M Lenahan
- Vice President: John Tracey
- Financial Secretary: Bob Fitzgerald
- Recording Secretary: Bill Vanderveer
- Treasurer: Jeff Everett
- Marshal: Paul O’Brien
- Sentinel: Jack Grey
- Standing Committee: Dave McLaughlin
- Chaplain: Reverend Jerry Wooten
2016 Division Officers
- President: Andy Link
- Vice President: Dan Mulhern
- Financial Secretary: Jeff Banks
- Recording Secretary: Jack Grey
- Treasurer: Dick Dowd
- Marshal: Shawn Lenahan
- Sentinel: Paul O’Brien
- Standing Committee: vacant
- Chaplain: Reverend Jerry Fimian (Jan-Jul) and Reverend Jerry Wooten (Aug-Dec)
2015 Division Officers

- President: Jim O’Donnell
- Vice President: Bob Stevens
- Financial Secretary: Bill Gilhooly
- Recording Secretary: Kevin Doyle
- Treasurer: Dick Dowd
- Marshal: Neil Mulcahy
- Sentinel: Rusty O’Brien
- Standing Committee: Jim McMorrow
- Chaplain: Reverend Kevin Fimian
2014 Division Officers
- President: Bill McCarthy
- Vice President: Patrick Fogarty
- Financial Secretary: Bill Gilhooly
- Recording Secretary: Dennis Ryan
- Treasurer: Bud Logan
- Marshal: Bill Phillips
- Sentinel: John Hogan
- Standing Committee: Jim McMorrow
- Chaplain: Reverend Kevin Fimian
2013 Division Officers
- President: Bill Halpin
- Vice President: Bill Phillips
- Financial Secretary: Bill Gilhooly
- Recording Secretary: Gene McKenna
- Treasurer: Shane Quinlan
- Marshal: Bud Logan
- Sentinel: John Hogan
- Standing Committee: Jim O’Donnell
- Chaplain: Reverend Ed Bresnahan (Jan-Jul) and Reverend Kevin Fimian (Aug-Dec)
2012 Division Officers
- President: Bill Halpin
- Vice President: Jeff Fitzpatrick
- Financial Secretary: Bill Gilhooly
- Recording Secretary: Gene McKenna
- Treasurer: Shane Quinlan
- Marshal: Bud Logan
- Sentinel: John Hogan
- Standing Committee: Bill Phillips
- Chaplain: Reverend ED Bresnahan
2011 Division Officers
- President: Bill Halpin
- Vice President: Bruce Denault
- Financial Secretary: Jeff Fitzpatrick
- Recording Secretary: Gene Mckenna
- Treasurer: Shane Quinlan
- Marshal:
- Sentinel:
- Standing Committee:
- Chaplain: Reverend Ed Bresnahan
2010 Division Officers
- President: Bill Halpin
- Vice President: Robert E. Ghormley
- Financial Secretary: Jeff Fitzpatrick
- Recording Secretary: ?
- Treasurer: Shane Quinlan
- Marshal: ?
- Sentinel: ?
- Standing Committee: Hugh O’Brien
- Chaplain: ?
2009 Division Officers
- President: Bruce A. Denault
- Vice President: Robert E. Ghormley
- Financial Secretary: Jeff Fitzpatrick
- Recording Secretary: Robert J. Sullivan
- Treasurer: Bill Halpin
- Marshal: vacant
- Sentinel: vacant
- Standing Committee: vacant
- Chaplain: vacant
2008 Division Officers
- President: Bruce A. Denault
- Vice President: Robert E. Ghormley
- Financial Secretary: encumbant resigned in June
- Recording Secretary: Robert J. Sullivan
- Treasurer: encumbant resigned in June. Bill Halpin (started in July)
- Marshal: vacant
- Sentinel: vacant
- Standing Committee: vacant
- Chaplain: vacant
The following bits of history were provide by Past President Harry Crisp: